What does God think about it?



Last night during the Republican debate the commentators constantly referred to the polls saying things like, “What do Iowa voters think about immigration reform”  or ” how will the New Hampshire vote be swayed by what Ted Cruz or Rand Paul says?” One day it may be that one of those on the stage last night will be elected president of the United States. In another year we may be hearing, “What will the world think about what the president said from the Rose Garden today?” But with all the hub-bub and political maneuvering going on, who has stopped to ask, “What does God think about this?”

A long time ago the prophet Isaiah was having a personal encounter with God like no one else had up to his time. He prophetically saw the coming judgement of Israel then later her return to the land. He saw the Prince of Peace, the seraphim, and the very throne room of God.  Later Isaiah is even shown the sufferings of Christ for His people. He probably wondered, just like we would have, how  God would work everything out and how He would ultimately redeem His people. Then God comes and almost as if putting his arms around Isaiah’s quaking shoulders says, “Relax, I’ve got this! It doesn’t matter what everyone thinks because I have everything completely under control!

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

Maybe you have caught just a glimpse of God’s awesome plan or are struggling with the despair of present failure or sin. Listen again to what God told Isaiah that day, because He still has everything under control and He will make a way no matter what anyone thinks-even you!

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