The Finish Line

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30

Of the four gospel writers only John records these words. This last intimate communication which John overhears is the final prayer from Jesus to His Father. From the first cry of Jesus in Bethlehem’s manger to His final pain filled words on the cross Jesus had been on a mission. His mission was to seek and save what had been lost (You and Me). Now the healing, the praying, the fasting, the temptations, the teachings, the conflicts and the miracles of Jesus’ earthly ministry are finished. Every disciple who Jesus had called had been commissioned, every earthly relationship fulfilled, every suffering endured and He is ready to return to the place which He left at the right hand of God.


And it is most amazing to me that at that last moment, and with those final words, “It is finished,” that our own new life begins. Jesus has finished his race. Jesus has run carrying the torch of the light of heaven. As Jesus breathed out his last He passed to John, to His mother Mary and even to all of us who hear His words today that same torch to us to begin to run our own race. Some of us will run for miles and some only one short lap. Each of us has a different race marked out for us in this new year ahead, but we must start at the cross where Jesus finished His course and where we begin ours!

Bring Them to Me!

They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.”18 And he said, “Bring them here to me.” Matthew 1:17-18

Around Christmas probably more of us than we would like to admit practice something called re-gifting. Generally this is associated with someone who is either a cheap-skate or an ingrate. However, in the Bible Jesus also practiced re-gifting. In this case Jesus took the five loaves from the disciples, who got them from a small boy and then gave them to five thousand hungry people. Later, Jesus took the disciples which the Father had given Him and gave them to the world. Jesus took the life the Father had given Him and He gave it to us on the cross.

In this year ahead we will all be “gifted” with time, talent and treasure. None of these things belong to us, rather they pass through our hands. How we “Re-Gift” what we have received will feed the hungry, bring comfort, and give shelter and friendship to those in our world. Will you “Re-Gift” something today? God bless you as you share your gifts in the year ahead!