One Unexpected Morning

Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher). John 20:15-16 ESV

Mary Magdalene had not come to the tomb of Jesus because she thought that Jesus was alive, but to show respect for the dead. But then the most unexpected thing in all of history happened. Jesus came to meet her! And Mary’s story is the story of everyone who has ever put their faith in Jesus Christ. We all have this one thing in common. He has come unexpectedly. Just like Mary, this Easter. you may be wondering where Jesus went in your life. Or, maybe like the disciples, you are hiding out behind locked doors. But when Jesus comes, everything changes, not just because of our faith, but because of His grace. The most wonderful news of the universe is standing right in front of us. Jesus is alive and is calling our name. How will you answer Him? The most important step of faith anyone could ever take is to fall at His feet, just as Mary did, and simply believe. Though we may not have been expecting Him, He has been expecting us and He is waiting for you today!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe that you have risen from the grave, just as You said. I ask that you forgive my sins and I thank you for all you have done and thank you for your gift of eternal life!

Holy Saturday – The Selah of God

Many are saying of my soul, “There is no salvation for him in God.” Selah Psalm 3:2 ESV

WE find the curious word “Selah” sprinkled here and there among the Psalms. Most scholars believe its meaning is similar to that of a rest in a musical composition. At a “Selah” moment, we are to pause and reflect on the melody that came before it and then prepare for what is to follow. In the same way, between the death of Christ on Friday and His resurrection on Sunday morning, is the Selah of Saturday when Jesus rested in the grave. No important activities, no miracles, or signs are mentioned in any of the gospels during those twenty-four hours. While the enemies of Christ were busy posting a guard, sealing the tomb, and worrying about His prophecy of rising from the dead, His followers simply went home and rested on the Sabbath. If, like those early disciples, you have been rocked by events beyond your control, and you are hiding behind closed doors, maybe it is God’s invitation to rest. Maybe He is offering this “Selah” moment, to look back and remember, not just the immediate difficulty, but also the many blessings that God has given in the past. He has given us life, and in Jesus we have hope and a home in Heaven. We have received God’s promises, His presence, and His precious Holy Spirit to comfort us. We have His mercy to forgive our sins and His grace to strengthen us in weakness. And on this quiet Holy Saturday, between the cross and resurrection morning we have this Selah of Saturday, when by faith we put all our hope in God and rest in His arms while we wait for the stone to roll away!

Photo by hermaion on

God Has Time For You!

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they 
do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. 
Luke 23:34 KJV

During the long hours of the suffering of Jesus, He hung from nails driven through His hands and feet. Blood streamed down His face from the thorns that pierced His scalp. No one expected Him to do more than simply endure., but Jesus was busy with an amazing number of things. He was busy, not because He hoped to gain anything, but because He was moved by compassion for those around Him. During those six hours, Jesus promised the repentant thief who was dying next to Him a place in paradise and made sure that Mary would be cared for by His disciple John. Even in His agony, Jesus showed the world the power of the love of God, so much so that after He died, one of the soldiers who had crucified Him, came to believe that He was the Son of God. But of all the things Jesus did, none mattered more than His final prayer “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!”, and that prayer is still being answered today. If we are angry with the sight of children starving in war torn villages while dictators plan the next attack from their headquarters, remember that there is an even greater power than their guns and bombs. There exists today a stronger force far stronger than fear and hatred. When Jesus bowed His head and died, both friend and foe thought He was finished. But ever since His final breath escaped, the power of His forgiveness has been transforming our world, one sinner at a time!

Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem on