Rejoice! Rejoice!

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice! Philippians 4:4 KJV

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord always,” and then he adds, “again I say rejoice.” Whenever the Bible repeats something it is because God knows that it is easy for us to forget. Notice that Paul is not just telling us to, ” Don’t worry. Be happy.” That is impossible! Some days, terrible, things happen. There are times in our lives when it seems that evil has gotten the upper hand. Paul certainly knew this, because he was writing these words from his prison cell in Rome. What he is telling us is that no matter what is going on around us, in Christ, we can find a joy greater than our problems and pains. Paul was able to face unimaginable hardships, because he had learned to remind himself of this again and again. Just as it was for Paul, the same is true for us: the joy of praise is the oxygen of our Christian faith. With every step we take, no matter how difficult the way, we must remember to breathe in God’s grace and then breathe out His praise! I hope you are blessed with this song from Evan Craft, Redimi2 & Danny Gokey, which is the official English version from “Todo va a estar bien”. This praise song reminds me of the way we worshiped in our Brazilian church and reflects the heart of worship in a very special way.

Is Your Name on the Roll?

Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20 ESV

Yes, we will rejoice when we see our names written in the book of life, but an even greater joy it will be when we realize that there in Heaven, Jesus will be there with us! “When the trumpet of the Lord will sound and time will be no more.”, we will pass from the shadow lands of earth, into the presence of Jesus, where we will see Him face to face. It is impossible to imagine how amazing it will be, though the word of God leaves us hints. “In HIs presence is fullness of joy.” Psalms 16:11 ESV and “He will wipe away every tear.” Revelation 21:4 ESV

For me the closest thing to understanding the joys of that day, comes when I sing with my friends in long term care. Maybe it is because those who are believers know that they have one foot on the doorstep of the house where Jesus lives! I do hope you will enjoy our rather rousing rendition of, “When the Roll is called up Yonder. Have a blessed Lord’s Day!

Send Them Away

Fact - 60 - 70% of long term are residents will not receive a single visitor in an entire year. 

Send them away to go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” Mark 6:36 The disciples had rowed across Galilee with Jesus, with the promise of some well deserved time off and rest. But when they arrived at the dock they were met by throngs of people and Jesus, ever compassionate, had taken turned their holiday into another long teaching session. By late afternoon the disciples were tired, they were hungry and it was late. What could be more reasonable than to send the crowds away? But Jesus didn’t buy into their thinking. Instead He told them. “You give them something to eat.” When it comes to visiting or serving in nursing homes, we probably feel overwhelmed just like the disciples. I know, because I feel like that almost every week. But Jesus isn’t asking us to figure it all out before we do something. He simply asks us to step out.

Now this idea of Jesus’ surprised the disciples and brought about a flurry of them trying to explain the facts to the Master (Ever tried that?} ” Look Jesus, it’s not just late, but we only enough money to buy enough food for everyone to get one bite. Where in the world are we supposed to find food for them out here?” Their words sound both reasonable, as well as strangely familiar, because most of us have tried to skate such logic by Jesus. “We’re broke, we’re too busy, we’re exhausted ourselves.”, and these are all real issues. But instead of going along with this way of thinking, Jesus began to outline His own plan, with a question. “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.” the answer came back; “Five loaves and two fish.” (vs 38). Maybe you feel you don’t have much when it comes to serving residents in long term care. But Jesus only asks us to put our loaves and fish into HIs hands. We will be surprised how a little surrendered to Him can do amazing things!

Then Jesus moved to step two – Then he commanded them all to sit down in groups on the green grass. – (vs 39) Once we have given what we have to Him our next step is not, “Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!” Instead, just like the Good Shepherd of Psalm twenty-three Jesus commands us to sit down in green pastures. He’s got this! We aren’t called to fix every problem. He just wants us to trust Him! At this point the disciples had two options: they could have thrown up their hands and walked away saying, “This will never work!” or they could obey. They chose option two and once Jesus had all they had in His hands, and they sat down to rest, He began to work. – And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people. – (vs 41).

When we do things Jesus’ way, He will put back into our hands some very ordinary looking things, but they will now be empowered to do more than we ever dreamed. What is it that is in your hands today? Can you make a phone call? Can you send a card? Will you be able to visit? Will you pray? With 1.4 million people in long term care, that means that more than one million of them will not have a visitor for Mother’s or Father’s Day, their birthdays will be forgotten, and soon the last chapter of their lives will be closed. Why not bring them whatever it is that Jesus has put in our hands?