Getting Back in the Boat With Jesus

And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Matthew 14:32 NKJV

This seemingly insignificant verse from Matthew’s gospel held a promise for me that I had overlooked till I desperately needed it. My mother was just 62 when she died of breast cancer and her passing left me feeling like I had been run over by a truck. The years struggling to rebuild our relationship, the prayers and the conversations were suddenly over. I felt as if I were locked in a room with barely enough air to breathe. I sleep walked through months of guilt and regret for what had never been. I had often thought about God challenging me as He had challenged Peter to get out of the boat. At other times I had been comforted knowing that just as Jesus had reached out his hand to save Peter He would take my hand in the middle of a crisis. But it was just as important for me to learn that Jesus wanted to help me back into the boat and restore calm when this storm had passed. I do not know how it happened but gradually light began shining in the dark places of my heart. I woke up to find that though I might never understand the why behind the pain, just knowing that God knew had become enough. Do you struggle to see God as more than just challenging or rescuing you? It is a wonderful surprise that waits when you realize that He is also delighted to help you back in the boat and calm the wind to a hush.


5 thoughts on “Getting Back in the Boat With Jesus

  1. It hurts my heart to hear this. My father was also 62 years old when he died of cancer. We too had a broken relationship that was just beginning to be mended and I have struggled with the lost years. I love the part of this post where Jesus helps us back in the boat as he calms the storm. Such a wonderful truth.

    I know my dad is in heaven and I long for the day when we will be reunited. Never to be separated or broken again! Thanks for this post. 🙂

  2. Praise God for the shelter of His boat where the winds and waves of circumstance cannot destroy us! Thank you for sharing your story, Pastor Pete, proving God’s peace, loving attention and healing–even when we experience debilitating loss.